09 976 8310ico phn
NZGTA@ NZGTA.org.nzico mail

Andrea Coleman

Andrea Coleman is a director of Rogers Distribution, a manufacturer / distributor of their own branded goods, private label and international brands throughout many channels such as grocery, mass market, speciality food stores and independent retailers.

Starting out in the late 80’s, Andrea has been a part of the giftware industry for over 30 years and has seen many changes in this time, as well as attending many gift fairs in New Zealand and overseas.

As a new member of the executive committee for the NZGTA, Andrea is looking forward to belonging to a network that is helping to support its members in the future.

Andrea believes that one of the biggest challenges facing this industry is the rapid development of technology and its effects on the retailers of today.


f1Ph: 09 976 8310
f2Fax: 09 379 3358
f3Email: NZGTA@NZGTA.org.nz