Jerome Fill of Parnell Agencies joined the NZGTA’s Executive Committee following the resignation of Kevin Hanlon in 2009. The NZGTA was delighted to have Jerome on the Committee as Parnell Agencies has been one of the longest exhibitors at the Gift Fairs, with an association dating back to the early 90’s.
In more recent years Jerome and his business partner Paul Salisbury acquired the ownership of Parnell Agencies in 2008 from Kevin Hanlon, the original owner and have succeeded in growing the business immensely. Parnell started in 1966, Jerome himself has over 30 year’s history in the Gift Trade and overseas fairs.
In addition to sourcing the right product and ensuring you understand the trends within what can sometimes be quite a fickle market, the Gift Fairs are a critical link to a targeted audience and has certainly contributed to Parnell Agencies growth and success to date.
The market is constantly changing and Jerome along with the team at Parnell Agencies look forward to the future and its challenges.